Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hubby is Counting the Days Down Now!

He is counting the days down now until his radiation treatments end in 11 more days. He has been having so much trouble swallowing because of the radiation that the doctor gave him Morphine drops to take so that he could eat. The nurse told him today that they will be weighing him again tomorrow, and that he does not want to be loosing any more weight. He told the nurse that he would not mind getting back to 200 pounds, but she told him that now is not the time to be losing it because what he is losing now is muscle and not fat. He is talking about putting a handful of quarters in each pocket so that she will not have anything to fuss at him over.

He has had to stop working now, and his boss has given him his last two checks. Our bills will be paid for July from these last two checks, but I am really concerned about how we will pay them in August. He is supposed to get a part time disability check for $200 Friday which will help us out, but if this is all we have to live on for the month of July then even if we spend nothing else on gas or anything it will just barely cover the house and car payments in August. His company has agreed to cover his medical insurance for him as long as possible, and we are hoping that this will be until the end of the year. They have also signed him up to begin drawing his retirement benefit, but we do not know when this will start.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday at the end of week three.

Hubby has been having a lot of trouble this week swallowing because of the radiation treatments. The doctor gave him some very big pills to take to help with the sore throat that are very hard for him to swallow, but they do not seem to be helping him much. He has not been eating much all weekend. He is also moody and irritable, and is talking about stopping his treatments. He has decided that he is going on the short term disability next week.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Week two of Steve's Treatments

I took Steve to his chemotherapy appointment Tuesday, and while he was taking it he started talking to a couple about our age. The wife had cancer in her neck to start with, and it had spread thoughout her body in the three years that she had been taking the chemotherapy and radiation treatments. He also talked to his chemotherapy doctor who told him that the plan was to send Steve to 7 weeks of radiation and chemotherapy in the hopes that the cancer would shrink enough that he could be sent to surgery to have the rest of the cancer removed along with the lower part of his lung. He came home in a very glum mood.

Wednesday he decided to go ahead and file for his disability since he will not be able to work at his job after having this surgery. I wonder how he will pay for the surgery though since he will be in ICU for three days after the surgery and in the hospital for a week. He is out of his bad mood now and I hate to get him back in it so I don't want to bring the subject up.

His boss told him yesterday that they had found him 10 more vacation days. Steve argued with him that he did not have any vacation days left, but I just wanted to hug him. It has been so hard to pay our bills lately with Steve working less then 20 hours a week. We would have not been able to pay the house and car payment which was both due this week if he had not sold his fixer upper 78 Mustang Friday so it will be nice for him to get paid for a full week for a change tomorrow.